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Under the hot Greek sun, the animateurs at an all-inclusive island resort prepare for the busy touri
A story of one village in Germany at the end of WW2.
一对热血虔诚的爱尔兰裔兄弟,因自卫杀人而得罪黑帮,警署以正当防卫之名无罪释放。从此之后,二人决定以己之力对抗社会渣滓,购买武器以暴制暴,在朋友洛克(大卫·德拉·洛克David Della Rocco
Sebastian, an up-and-coming Mexican actor, seems to have it all until he is thrown back into the tor
时间是1975年,供职于日本东部航空(Eastern Airline)驻泰国分公司的东垣内丰(西島秀俊 饰)是一位年轻有为、稳重干练的“好青年”,他在同事中人缘极好,上司樱田善次郎(加藤雅也 饰)也对