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故事发生在1973年的格拉斯哥,对于男孩詹姆斯(威廉·艾迪 William Eadie 饰)来说,这个夏天并不好过,炎炎的烈日让人怎么都打不起精神,而清洁工人的大罢工让街道瞬间变成了堆满了腐臭垃圾
A dramatization of the methods in which young women are abducted or otherwise procured for prostit
Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy s
A loving film tribute to Russian filmmaker Larisa Shepitko, who died tragically in a car accident
The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to th
Netflix produces a feature focusing on one of the main characters of the successful German series