Search result: Koul
27年前,孟买毒品泛滥,毒品贩子哈里·乔普拉甚至纵火烧死博里瓦里17名警察,致使警察地位一落千丈。 中央为了重振警界形象,派个人能力极强且暴躁的阿迪亚·阿鲁萨兰担任孟买警察专员。阿迪亚上任后,重
What unfolds in the posh lanes of a Delhi school? Where will their lives take them? The questions,
What unfolds in the posh lanes of a Delhi school? Where will their lives take them? The questions, f
In the aftermath of the 2016 Kashmir unrest, a young local field agent, Zooni Haksar, is picked out
What unfolds in the posh lanes of a Delhi school? Where will their lives take them? The questions, f