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Still in the thrall of the evil vampire Radu, Michelle yearns to be taught the skills of the vampire
David Morales (Mario Lopez), an Arizona high school principal and single dad, has lost the holiday s
故事讲述一宗牵涉六个受害人的谋杀案,他们被肢解并缝合成一个怪诞的尸体,尸体被称为「Ragdoll」。这宗震惊社会的案件由刚回复职务的伦敦警察厅侦缉警长Nathan Rose (Henry Lloyd-
三位身處不同處境及人生階段的香港女生,因著各自的原因及期望,決定離開香港,嘗試在台灣這個島嶼紮根。然而,想像與現實,往往有著無可預知的距離。香港女生Faye (27歲)本打算在台北旅遊散心,暫住在嫁到
电子游戏冠军Max Troy应游戏开发公司Sentinel之邀为一款最新第一人称射击游戏做测试,却发现游戏中发生的一切都会反映在现实世界之中。他很快就发现这款游戏的主人公是Sentinel公司的前员工
Spanish television drama thriller focusing on the students of a fictional boarding school in a fores
Repeat visits from an owl convince Paula in the gnome's reincarnation, Iván can't believe he killed
A successful engaged Muslim woman falls into a relationship with a blue collar Christian woman who w
雅各布·艾洛蒂、扎克瑞·昆图将主演公路犯罪题材惊悚片[他朝那边走了](He Went That Way,暂译)。该片为广告片导演杰弗里·达林的长片处女作,埃文·M·维纳撰写剧本,故事根据康拉德·希博利