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Valparaíso, Chile, 1933. Years of psychiatric treatment and a seemingly happy marriage will not ta
本片讲述的是一个果阿杀手收买了一位前警员Arjun(埃朗·哈斯米 饰)来帮他寻找失踪的女孩的故事。Arjun是一个为了可以填饱肚子,挣更多的钱,从而干过了很多错事的前警官。作为一个无神论者,他捐助了大
When the monks living at a small rural monastery face it being transformed into a hotel due to the l
中年男子海克特(Karra Elejalde 饰)和妻子克莱拉(Candela Fernández 饰)搬到郊外一幢别墅居住,他用望远镜观察四周的景物,却意外看到一个正脱去衣衫的妙龄女子。海克特心
从一代武学宗师李小龙,至谐趣功夫笑星成龙,元彪,洪金宝等功夫武术片中最精彩,最有珍藏价值片段,从未曝光真相内容,震撼性公开,绝无冷场,珍藏价值极高,不容错过. 七八十年代经典武打电影的武打片段大
Following his mother’s death, Nicolas, a young 30-year-old with autism, decides to return to his hom
Cuba, the mid-80s, anyone diagnosed with HIVAIDS is sent to a military-run internment camp. Forme
St. Jude Square is a neighborhood living in fear and despair. The dueling gangs of local kingpins Da