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你曾经有过21天的时间告诉别人你爱他们吗?根据某人暗恋的真实故事改编。 Have you ever had 21 days to tell someone you love them? Based on the true story of someone secretly in love.
第144集 Tempus Fugit 光阴似箭 第145集 Karate Schooled 训后空手道 第146集 Something Wicked 邪恶的勾当 第147集 The
Everyone yearns for a good life. So does Nueng. She always dreams of living in her ideal world. Nueng, who is as beautiful as a swan, comes from a wealthy family. She's married and her husband loves her very much. However, things are not as perfect
一对欢喜冤家,时而互相捣乱,时而互相帮助。富二代公鸡小子总是不如意的,衰神附体,率真无知,憨傻得可爱,每次想反抗却又迫于现实而低头。当碰上活动善良的女主,孤寂的心在悸动,爆发出来前所未有的狗屎运,男主把毕生的运气用在了亲女主上 亲亲亲 。