Search result: Aria
影片讲述了1978年世界上第一个“”试管婴儿”Louise Joy Brown诞生背后的非凡真实故事,以及为实现这一目标而不懈奋斗的十年历程。故事从年轻护士兼胚胎学家Jean Purdy的视角出发,她
Follows an Italian con-man who pretends to be a prince and goes to Mexico City to exploit the elite&
Todd and Terry are twins. They are blonde, cute, bright and identical in every respect, with one exc
Pablo’s life is ruled by drugs and by the intense and oppressive relationship he has with his mother
Maya, a wood factory worker. After losing her parents, Maya had to struggle to support her younger b
超人佳亞從「根源破壞招致物體」手上拯救了地球之後,高山我夢(超人佳亞)重回到城南大學的校園,過著平靜的每一日。他現在擁有的變身器Esplander也已經失去了超人的光茫。 一方面地球又開始受某些東西