Search result: 约翰·弗拉瑟
When Watson reads from the newspaper there have been two similar murders near Whitechapel in a few days, Sherlock Holmes' sharp deductive is immediately stimulated to start its merciless method of elimination after observation of every appare
从布鲁塞尔来到伦敦的卡萝尔(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)是当地一家美容沙龙的员工。在这个光怪陆离的大都会,青春美丽的卡萝尔竭力压抑自己心中躁动的欲望,由此她表现出些许的
When Watson reads from the newspaper there have been two similar murders near Whitechapel in a few d
巴塞尔(约翰·米尔斯 John Mills 饰)是山地步兵团新任命的团长,这个严肃而又认真的男人刚刚上任就决定好好的整顿一下军队内懒散的恶习。在巴塞尔到来之前,步兵团的生活可谓是闲散而又惬意,克莱
故事发生在1080年的西班牙,彼时的西班牙并没有统一,而是分为三个互不干涉彼此国家政务的小国。卢利歌(查尔登·海斯顿 Charlton Heston 饰)因为暗中放走了国王卡斯提尔下令处死的摩尔人酋长