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CBS has renewed the hit Friday night drama Fire Country for a third season.
Brian Cox教授带我们用物理学揭开种种宇宙奇迹的奥秘,阐释人类和宇宙的深邃联系。茫茫宇宙,人类从何而来?宇宙又将走向何处?带着万千的疑问,我们跟随Brian Cox教授一起感受地球上罕见的景观,
《宇宙时空之旅:未知世界》(Cosmos:Possible Worlds) 在广阔无垠的时空中,有无数个尚待我们探索的世界,和等待我们诉说的故事。本季节目要带我们探索逝去和未来的世界。并带观众认
求生者希遜阿迪爾(Hazen Audel)沿湄公河流域行走500英里,是一世人一次的旅程。他面對偏遠叢林和洪水氾濫的平原、高聳的雲霧森林和嚴酷的石灰岩山峰,只依靠湄公河原住民的傳統生存技能。一切都發生
The 50 Greatest Documentaries was a Channel 4 television programme which was broadcast on 9 October
It showcases the rise and fall of the Roman Empire through the Colosseum, one of the most exhilarati
Big changes have been made to the driving test with new manoeuvres, written tests and new technology
本剧将带你回到最令人震惊的谋杀案的历史当中。我们的主持人,Nicholas Day,引导我们进入到杀手的世界,让我们看到警察的聪明才智和早期取证是如何将他们绳之以法的。